HARO backlinks are one of the most powerful link types you can get. This isn’t just the case for your SEO, but also for the exposure of your company.
In this article, we will cover the basics of HARO link building, how to get started, and how HARO link-building services can benefit you.
What Are HARO Backlinks?
HARO stands for Help A Reporter Out. It’s a system that connects journalists to expert sources.
Reporters send out a query, and after registering as a source on the HARO website, you are able to receive these queries.
Once you receive a query, you can respond back with a pitch. This involves using your knowledge to respond to the questions being asked in the query.
Essentially, you can leverage your expertise to be used as a source in news media outlets.
HARO backlinks are when your pitch gets used and the reporter links back to your site.
As a result, your site gets included in serious news articles, meaning you gain more traffic and exposure.
It’s a free service that allows you to build links from high-authority websites, thereby boosting your SEO and organic traffic.
However, it’s important to note that major publications won’t always give out dofollow links to your site. They may just mention your name.
So, don’t expect your accepted pitches to work for you every time. But, when you do get a dofollow link, it can boost your website and SEO performance significantly!
Why Are HARO Backlinks Powerful?
One of the reasons why HARO backlinks are so powerful is because major news outlets use HARO to get expert sources.
We’re talking about publications like The New York Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Time.
Having these serious, high-authority domains backlinking to your website generates quality referral traffic.
This, in turn, lends authority to your website. It shows that your site is credible and can provide valuable information.
As a result, it increases your Domain Rating (DR), helping your site to pop up higher in search results.
What this means is that you can gain a lot more referral traffic as well as organic traffic from the search engine results pages (SERPs).
HARO is also useful in that you don’t have to seek out the journalists, but rather they come to you.
So, you can get authoritative backlinks easily, simply by writing excellent, detailed pitches.
HARO Backlinks And SEO
High-quality backlinks are good for your search engine optimization (SEO). And HARO helps you build quality white-hat links for free!
When you have high-authority backlinks, your site is more likely to appear higher up in search engine results pages, as these HARO links from major publications generate domain authority.
People are always going to focus on the first few results that pop up on Google. So, it’s important to get your content up there, and building high-quality links can help significantly!
Basically, HARO link building can be an incredibly valuable SEO strategy and help your site rise the ranks of the search engines.
HARO Link-Building: How To Get Started Today
Here are four steps to follow to get started with HARO so that you can start building links to your website:
Register On The HARO Website
Getting started requires you to register as a source on the HARO website.
When it comes to HARO link-building pricing, there are a number of different plans, ranging from free to paid.
Once you’ve started out on the free plan, you can decide if you need to switch to a paid plan.
The range of plans means that you can select an option that meets your needs and generates enough traffic to your site.
Registering your account means that you will receive emails regarding queries. There are normally three emails sent per day.
Select Your Areas Of Expertise
Once you’ve got your account set up, you can select your areas of expertise.
This is what will tailor the HARO requests that you receive. You can choose from a wide selection of areas, allowing you to fully utilize your skills.
You can select as many as you want because selecting areas of expertise simply establishes the kind of queries you will receive.
There is no pressure to respond to every query, and you can focus on more relevant queries that best fit your knowledge and capabilities.
Start Sending Out Pitches
Once you’re all set up, you can start sending out pitches in response to queries you receive.
It’s really important to send out quality pitches - meaning should only send pitches when you have sufficient knowledge of the topic.
When working with HARO, you are being used as an expert source for journalists. So, you need to know what you’re talking about if you want your pitch to be accepted.
Focus on the quality of your pitches over the quantity.
There is no point in sending out ten average pitches as these are unlikely to be accepted.
Rather send out fewer, better pitches to increase your chances of gaining quality links from high-authority publications.
Include Your Site Information
Often, journalists will be in a time crunch and won’t have time to go back and forth about your pitch. This means you need to be as detailed as possible in your HARO pitch.
You also need to be clear about who you are, why you are an expert in your field, and what website you are affiliated with.
Include this information at the end of your pitches in exactly the way you want it to appear in the article so that you minimize the work the journalist has to put in.
Including a clear link to your website means that you will hopefully get high-authority backlinks to your site. This generates good referral traffic.
5 Tips For Getting Haro Backlinks
Now that you know how to build backlinks with HARO, here are some tips for success:
Focus On Your Areas of Expertise
By focusing on your area of expertise, you increase the quality of your pitch, and therefore the likeliness of it getting accepted and used in an article.
This is particularly important when you are doing pitches for major news outlets. They will be receiving hundreds of pitches for each article, so you need to make sure that yours really stands out.
You want to make sure that you are not just writing the same generic pitches that everyone will be sending.
Make sure you include specialized information that grants your pitch more authority and legitimacy.
By using this specialized information, you can be more successful in obtaining backlinks.
Deal With All Aspects Of The Query
Because of the nature of news articles, there will often be several parts to the query.
If your pitch does not address all of these parts, there is almost no chance of your pitch being accepted.
So, make sure your answer is very thorough. You want to be writing the most authoritative pitch possible.
This is how you get media outlets to use your pitches and generate more links to your content.
Go Into Detail
Tying into the idea of writing an authoritative pitch, you want to include a lot of detail in your pitch.
Your pitch won’t be successful if it is vague or full of filler. You want to write something that the journalist can copy and paste directly into their article.
The less work the journalist has to put in, the more likely they are to publish your pitch and backlink to your site.
This means that you need to be very specific. Again, it’s about quality over quantity.
Respond To Queries Fast
Because of the high quantity of pitches that news outlets will receive, you have to be on the ball about responding to the query as fast as possible.
Your goal is to write an excellent pitch in as little time as possible so that the journalist sees your pitch, is satisfied with the quality, and doesn’t bother to look at the pitches that come in after yours.
HARO Link Building Services
If you’re interested in using HARO link building to help improve your exposure and SEO, then you might want to consider a HARO link-building service.
Of course, you can do all your HARO pitches yourself using the steps and tips we mentioned earlier, but it can take up a lot of your time!
You need to constantly stay on the ball and respond quickly to HARO queries. This can take your focus away from other important tasks and business operations.
So, outsourcing your HARO link-building (and other tasks) can be very beneficial.
HARO On Legiit
On Legiit, you can find an array of services - from SEO agencies to graphic design and more.
So, it’s a great place to start if you’re looking for HARO link-building services.
There are several sellers on Legiit offering to write HARO pitches in response to journalists’ queries.
These include HetserLinks, Contentellect, and Galibahasan
When choosing an excellent and reliable HARO link-building service, consider the reviews and what each service offers in terms of link-building.
The major advantage of using a HARO link-building service is that you can gain the DR and authority from HARO backlinks, without having to respond to queries and write pitches yourself.
Outsourcing your HARO link-building means that you can free up your time to manage other aspects of your business or website, and this can boost your productivity.
It also means that you get the benefit of SEO experts who will write excellent and successful pitches.
HARO Link-Building Frequently Asked Questions
Is HARO Good For Backlinks?
HARO is excellent for backlinks and performs better than other link-building strategies.
Because of the kind of serious news publications that use HARO, you are getting high authority backlinks from sites with high Domain Ratings.
The quality of your links is often more important than the number of backlinks you have, which is why HARO is such a good strategy for obtaining good backlinks.
What Is HARO In SEO?
HARO is a platform that allows your writer(s) or your HARO link-building service to respond to a HARO query from a journalist.
The writer uses their expertise to create pitches that journalists can use in their articles.
The journalist then inserts a link to your own site when they use your content. This generates referral traffic and improves domain authority, which helps you rank higher in the SERPs.
Is HARO Good For SEO?
HARO is good for SEO because it improves your placing in search engine results.
HARO SEO is a form of high-quality, white-hat SEO. This is due to the fact that the backlink comes from a high-authority website, rather than a random blog with little traffic.
So, the backlinks have more weight and provide credibility to your site, thereby boosting your own domain rating.
How Do You Get HARO Backlinks?
The basics of getting HARO backlinks include registering yourself on the website and writing pitches in response to journalists’ queries.
When you write high-quality pitches, you are likely to get your work used in articles and have successful HARO link-building campaigns.
One of the best ways to get HARO backlinks is to use a HARO link-building service (which you can easily find on Legiit).
By using freelance services, you get all of the benefits of HARO backlinks without having to generate pitches yourself.
Essentially, you are guaranteed high-quality pitches that have better chances of getting accepted and generating backlinks for your site.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to HARO link building, there are many different things that you need to get right in order for your pitches to translate into backlinks from news sites.
When this is done right, this can be great for both exposure and SEO for your site.
One way to ensure this happens is to use a HARO link-building service on Legiit to find a HARO expert to do your pitches for you.
This ensures that your pitches are always of the highest quality and are more likely to generate awesome backlinks!