10 Ways to Scale your Digital Marketing Agency


The world is and will become more digital.

Today, almost every activity can be and is carried out virtually and online.

Also, dating is more popular than ever in the virtual world.

With the pandemic still ongoing, this digital behavior is being reinforced.

For companies to continue to retain and attract customers, they too must build and expand their presence in the digital world.

The timing is perfect for digital marketing agencies to scale their business.

But how do you do this without neglecting other important factors?

In this article, I will share 10 ways that will help you scale your digital marketing agency.

What makes it difficult to Scale?

Forbes has cited four relevant points for failure in scaling.

Know your Skills and Limits. As more and more orders arrive, you should consider beforehand whether you also have the know-how and resources to fulfill the order.

The Discrepancy with Profitable Scalability. Digital marketing agencies operate in an industry where the work is difficult to scale. There are differences in the cost-benefit comparison.

Leaving of a Valid Employee. Especially for agencies that currently consist of only a few employees, the departure of a team member can have severe consequences.

If the preparation is poor, not only the employee but also his know-how leaves the company without being secured in any way.

Unpleasant End of Business Relationship. Also often neglected is the positive terminal of previous customer relationships, which can be important for alternative plans in case of unsuccessful company turnarounds or scales.

How do I Scale my Digital Marketing Agency?

Customer Relationship

“Customer is King”: Do it.

Nurture the relationship with each customer as if they were your one and only customer. Even if the relationship comes to an end, always end it on a positive note.

If the relationship is terminated from your side, explain to the client what the background is and maybe even give them alternative agencies to work with.

Focus on Delivery

Focus on what you promised the customer and not on what you want to deliver in addition.

Only after you have achieved 100% of your order, you can think further.

Once you have promised the client that clicks to their website will double in 6 months, focus on the goal.

Do not tell the client If you think you can reach the goal in 3 months.

If you, do it, the client will be happy, but you did not have the pressure to do it in 3 months.


Of course, as a digital marketing agency, you should offer a wide range of services.

Nevertheless, you should focus on at least one niche where you can outperform the competition and attract customers.

Your niche here can be related to service, target audience, specific customer groups, etc.

For example, you could be the one digital marketing agency for re-targeting or for reaching Generation Z.


Use your internal manpower efficiently.

This also means knowing which work can be outsourced.

Legiit as a freelancing platform offers great opportunities to outsource work to someone external. Here you can also get help with SEOs and Niche Edits.

On freelancing platforms, any kind of work is offered, and you can also post projects for which you are looking for workers.

Likewise, there may also be opportunities to automate certain activities.

Long-Term Thinking

Think about tomorrow.

What might I need or change in the coming weeks, months, and years?

Which customers should I try to keep for the long term?

Try to always be one step ahead.

Relevant questions here are:

Which of your customers offers the potential for more orders?

Is there a new social media platform for which your agency should already complete marketing training?

Are there any new insights for your target groups?

Is there a new target audience?


Stay open to change and adapt to new circumstances as quickly as possible.

Social media is changing?

Good, so are you.

When TikTok became a social media trend during the corona pandemic, it was the perfect time to start here in social media marketing.

Today, it is harder and more expensive to market successfully here.

Data Usage

Leverage the invaluable value of data.

If you do not have someone on your team who can make the data useful to you, get someone who can.

You need to know why a job was a success and why it was not.

And you also need to know exactly what the difference was.

With a corresponding KPI, you can track how customer satisfaction is developing.

You will notice negative trends earlier and can search for causes more quickly and initiate countermeasures.

This can have a huge impact on the success of your business.

Simple Client Onboarding

If someone wants to find information about your Digital Marketing Agency or contact you, it must be easy.

Set up a website where customers can quickly find their way around, quickly find information about your services and experience, and quickly get in touch with you.

Simplify things for your customers so that they become your customers on their own.

Team Expansion

Without a larger team, your business can not grow either.

Think broadly and diversely and offer different entry points at the career level.

But always keep in mind what your long-term goals are for the agency:

Where do I have the most need? In which area do I want to grow?


You are a Digital Marketing Agency: use your skills for yourself.

Drive your marketing and use the latest trends: you should know how to market yourself best and successfully.

For example, you can use various social media channels to get your company's name out there.

For example, use Duolingo as an educational platform.

Through TikTok, at least the target audience here knows the name of the company, and their mascot and can also tell you what the company does.

Start Scaling Your Digital Marketing Agency

The above 10 methods will help you scale your Digital Marketing agency.

Maintain and strengthen your client relationship, use possible automation and outsourcing opportunities through freelancing platforms like Legiit, stay flexible and focus on your long-term goals.

Of course, it is not an easy goal to achieve without effort, but in today's world, change and progress are essential for success.

About the Author


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Hi, my name is Franzi, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Germany.

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I would like to offer you my passion and skills to write a text that meets or even exceeds your expectations. Be it in a job application, a blog or social media entry, a scientific paper or any kind of text.

The following values are very important to me personally and you will also be able to experience them when working with me:
- Reliability
- Organization
- Perfectionism

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