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Sales Page Examples


Sales page examples Are you struggling to build a sales page for your business? If yes, you are on the right page.

A few elements influence the conversion rate of a sales page, including:

  • Attention-grabbing headlines
  • An easy-to-use order form
  • Trust indicators
  • Compelling copy
  • A strong call to action (CTA)

Without these on your sales page, your marketing efforts can NEVER bear fruit.

This blog post will look at 22 sales page examples, elements that make a good sales page, and how to create one that converts.

That said, let us dive deep!

What is a sales page?

A sales page is a standalone page designed to boost sales in a business. It converts website visitors into customers by convincing them to buy a product or service. 

On most sales pages, you will find a detailed product description, product benefits, and how a particular brand can help solve a visitor's problems.

That said, there are two main types of sales pages:

  • Long form sales pages
  • Short form sales pages

Just as the name suggests, long form sales pages are longer because they have more content.

Also known as sales letters, these landing pages describe a product or service in detail by providing all the information a buyer might need.

On the other hand, short-form sales pages are shorter and only tend to provide the essential information that a buyer may need to purchase.

Now, let us dive deeper and look at the elements of a high converting sales page.

Major elements of a high-converting sales page

1. Attention-grabbing headline

Grabbing your audience's attention is crucial, as this is the first step in making sales. It is important, therefore, that you get it right from the start. Otherwise, you may end up frustrating your marketing efforts.

As a rule of thumb, your headline should highlight what your visitors are looking for, as this is the only way to capture their attention and make them want to read or listen to your offer.

2. Unique selling point

Why should your visitors choose your products? Why should they choose your brand over your competitors?

These are some of the questions your selling proposition should address since clients not only look at your product or service features. Instead, they want to know whether your business or brand can care for their specific needs.

3. Pain points

As a business owner, you should research and understand your target audience, as this allows you to identify their pain points to address them more effectively. 

Once you've identified them, address them in your copy and let your visitors know how your product or service can help solve them.

Again, this creates a buying urgency since clients get to see how difficult their lives would be without your product or service.

4. Product benefits

A good headline and hero shot will help you grab your visitor's attention, while a detailed product description provides information your visitor may need.

By tying features with benefits in your description, visitors see how they stand to benefit by using your product or service, thus further convincing them to make a purchase.

When listing the features, you want to ensure you include only the critical information so that the sales page isn't too lengthy.

5. Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions address any doubt a buyer may have about your product or service before making a purchase. Therefore, make sure to include them in your copy and provide detailed answers to avoid leaving any gaps.

6. Reviews and testimonials

Transparency and credibility are critical in any business. To make your sales page more persuasive, make an effort to include either written or video reviews and customer testimonials from previous clients.

By doing that, visitors can see that your products or services are in high demand, thus creating an urgency to purchase.

7. Call to action (CTA)

Including multiple calls to action throughout your sales copy is vital if you want to boost sales. However, you shouldn't just throw or place them randomly in your copy. 

Instead, place them strategically throughout your page, as these help new visitors navigate your website pages easily.

8. Who this is not for

While this may come out as negative marketing to some marketers, it is crucial that you also mention who your product is not suited for.

Doing this helps filter out unimportant leads, leaving you with your target audience to focus on.

How to create a compelling sales page

Now that you know the major elements of a great sales page, it is important that you also learn how to create one and make it as enticing as possible to visitors. 

Here are a few tips to help you build a sales page that converts.

Research to understand your target audience

As mentioned earlier, understanding your target audience is critical as it helps you identify their pain points, expectations, and what they intend to achieve with your product or service.

You can use web analytics, customer surveys, online research, and social media to understand your target audience.

Create a strong value proposition

Once you've understood your buyer persona, it's time to create a strong value proposition.

You can do this by mentioning your target client's pain points, addressing how you can solve them, and why your brand is the best fit.

Determine the length of your sales page

Before writing your sales copy, you should consider your business's and product's nature.

If you sell a new product, you will require longer content for clients to understand how it works. This means that you will need a longer sales page.

On the other hand, a shorter sales page will suffice if you are selling a product that has been in use for some time.

As you write your copy, remember only to include information that matters to help reduce your bounce rate and increase conversion rates.

Write attention-grabbing and captivating headings and subheadings

Once you establish the length of your sales page, write captivating headings and subheadings, as these determine whether your potential customers will go through your sales page or not.

To be safe, make your headings short, precise, and straight to the point.

If you are writing a long form sales page, you may need to use 2-3 subheadings to organize your content.

Describe your product adequately

Your product descriptions need to be as comprehensive as possible, highlighting your product features, what makes it stand out and how your clients will benefit. 

Don't forget to make your product description as personalized as possible because you are selling to individuals and not a group of people. This helps you connect better with your clients, thus increasing sales.

If you are selling a new product that needs a lengthy sales page, avoid huge blocks of text, as these will scare your visitors away.

Instead, make your content scannable by highlighting your key points and product features in bullet points.

Include CTAs

A call to action is one of the elements that a sales page can't go without. It is what directs your clients to your marketplace and convinces them to purchase with you. 

Your sales page, therefore, should have at least three call to action buttons strategically placed on your sales copy.

With shorter sales pages, however, you don't need all three. Instead, you only need to add those that will help your visitors navigate your website well through links. 

Minimize distractions

To maximize your conversion rates, make sure you remove all the distractions that your sales page may have. Remove them all, whether it's an image, graphics, or a sidebar.

In addition to that, keep your headers and footers to the minimum.

22 Excellent sales page examples designed to convert

Now that you know how to create a compelling sales page let's look at some great sales page examples that you can emulate.


Slack is a messaging tool for businesses. It connects people working together, allowing them to access information and communicate with each other as they work. 

Their sales page is an excellent example of a high converting sales page. It uses interactive content to show its features to users.

They have a captivating headline that clearly describes what slack is all about. And that's not all!

They've even included other elements like a hero shot which gives the visitor a preview of what the platform looks like and how people interact with each other within the same group.

They have also used more than one call to action button, allowing new visitors to navigate their website easily.

2. Somnifix

Somnifix's sales page is a perfect example of a short form sales page to emulate.

Their heading, "DON'T BE A MOUTH BREATHER," clearly communicates to users that they solve snoring problems.

Other than that, the company uses bullet points to describe its product and the product features as well as how it will benefit the user.

By concluding with a CTA button, they can call their visitors to action and direct them to their online store, where they can purchase.

3. Codeacademy

Another perfect example of a high converting sales page is Codeacademy's sales page.

By using relevant images with minimal text, they can let their visitors know what the website is all about.

The combination of colour, minimal text, and images makes the sales page visually appealing, thus improving the customer experience while on site.

One thing to note with Codeacademy's sales page is that you don't have to scroll down to access more information. Instead, they have included links to all the information you may need at the top, making the user interface more user-friendly.

4. Ruby

Ruby has done a great job creating a landing page that is visually appealing and highly functional. They are able to do this by conveying the intended information in a simple, minimalistic way.

They have a captivating headline on their sales page that specifically addresses their target clients.

Doing this sparks curiosity in the visitors' minds, helping slow them down to have a deeper look at what the company is about.

Moreover, just like with Codeacademy, visitors on Ruby's sales landing page don't have to scroll down to get information.

They have also included two call to action buttons at the bottom of their page, and users can choose to contact support or sign up.

5. Eat Fat, Get Thin

Eat Fat, Get Thin is a health and nutrition company specializing in meal plans that can help clients lose weight and boost energy levels in their bodies.

Though the heading of their sales page seems ironic, a person will see that they are all about health because of the images of fruits and vegetables they have used on their page.

The sales page is highly effective since it addresses the target audience's pain points in a straightforward manner.

Upon scrolling down, visitors can see statistics of people who took up the challenge of eating fat and getting thin and how the challenge turned up for them. This addresses any doubts that a user may have before going ahead to purchase.

6. Dinnerly

Dinnerly is a brand that offers home chefs food box subscriptions on a budget.

Their sales page makes good use of images and text to engage their users and convey the value of their products.

One thing about Dinnerly that we had discussed earlier is that they understand their buyer persona. They even know that the best place to find them is on Reddit! 

While on their sales page, users can get further information on what they need by scrolling down.

Moreover, they can even navigate through the website by using the navigation links at the top of the sales page.

Finally, Dinnerly allows its users to sign up through the CTA button in multiple ways.

7. Convert kit

Convert kit is an email marketing platform built for content creators. Their sales page is a perfect example of the success you can achieve by guiding visitors through your page.

The page's headline and subheading highlight who the platform is for and how it can help.

On the page's hero section, they have an animation video meant to introduce the platform to new customers and show them how getting started is easy. They also feature videos and written testimonials to improve customer credibility.

8. Mamaearth

Mamaearth is an Indian cosmetics brand that makes organic skincare products. Its sales page has various elements that make it highly effective at converting visitors to customers.

For instance, the sales page uses appropriate images to show that the brand uses natural herbs to make its organic products.

At the top of their sales page, you can see the various products they produce and sell, each embedded with a link to direct the user to their marketplace.

By clicking the red bar at the top of the sales page, users are directed to a different landing page where they can get other organic products at a discount.

9. Hotjar

Hotjar is a platform that enables website owners to know how visitors behave on their websites.

It spells this out through its heading: "Understand how users behave on your site, what they need, and how they feel fast."

Just from the title, visitors can know what the platform is about without going deep into details.

Further below the headline, the platform uses a video to describe its product in detail.

Hotjar also offers users various ways to sign up. For example, on their sales page, they allow users to sign up by using the sign up with email button or the sign up with google one.

10. Video power marketing

Video power marketing is a company that offers marketing services to businesses in an effort to help them grow.

Their sales page clearly tells potential customers what they can expect from them once they get to work together.

The sales landing page mentions what they do, how they do it, and how it stands to benefit the customer or business.

The top of the page features a link, "Client Results," which redirects clients to shared testimonials from past clients.

11. Cult.fit

Cult.fit is a fitness company that offers fitness enthusiasts flexible and personalized workout plans that they can easily adapt to, depending on their environment.

The company's sales page demonstrates this through a video showcasing that they offer both home and gym fitness plans to capture people who work out at home and those who do it from the gym.

Their sales page uses a captivating headline, "For the fun of it," to spark curiosity in the user's mind, thus slowing them down to hear their value proposition.

Cult.fit offers personalized services, making customers prefer them since their individual needs can now be attended to by an expert.

12. Stop fighting food

Stop fighting food is a platform created for people with eating disorders. It uses a heading that directly addresses the clients' issues, making them know what they can expect from them.

The platform also addresses the fears that people with eating disorders have by including the humorous quote, "I ALSO WEAR CROP TOPS & DON'T GIVE A SH*T."

Additionally, the image they used on their sales page straightforwardly highlights who this page is for and who it's not for.

13. Wix

Truth be told, Wix is one of the few companies that have made use of minimal text on their sales page and still manages to communicate their intended purpose in a simple, straightforward way.

They are a software company that provides website creation and cloud-based web development services to businesses.

The company has used a catchy and interesting headline to capture the interest of people who may need their services.

The combination of text and graphics on the page also makes the sales page visually appealing, thus drawing visitors' attention.

Furthermore, Wix only uses one call to action button, which perfectly suffices.

14. AdExpresso

AdExpresso is a digital marketing agency that helps businesses find the right audience for their products.

They have done an excellent job by letting users know what they are all about at first glance.

They have used two CTA buttons, one at the top right side of the page and the other at the bottom, to help visitors navigate well to other pages.

Moreover, the icons below their landing page show users the steps they can take to help businesses find the right audience for their products.

15. Jay Training

Just as the name suggests, Jay Training is all about health and fitness.

Their sales page is a brilliant example of long form sales pages. It takes time to adequately describe their services to users, letting them know they can build muscle even at 30, 40, and 50.

The sales page repeatedly advises customers not to give up on their dream of becoming fit and building muscle.

This creates an urgency for clients to see how badly they need this service, thus convincing them to join the program.

To improve credibility, the sales page also features logos of well-known media channels like CBS and Men's Health which act as testimonials.

16. Deliveroo

Deliveroo is a food delivery company that partners with restaurants to bring out the best in them.

Contrary to the expectation of many, their sales page doesn't use images of food because that is not what the company offers. Instead, they've included a video explaining to users what the company is about.

Their use of multiple calls to action further improves the functionality of their sales page, enabling them to convert more visitors into clients.

17. WPForms

WPForm's sales page is another perfect example of a high converting landing page you can emulate.

The page is a black Friday sales page that uses text and a countdown timer to create urgency for users to bookmark their page and come back once the sale is live. 

The landing page uses two call to action buttons at the bottom, each calling the visitor to different actions.

One of the buttons allows users to set a reminder to notify them once the sale goes live, while the other rewards visitors with giveaways. Furthermore, the page has no navigational features, thus providing no way for users to escape the page.

18. SeedProd

SeedProd is a landing page builder plugin that provides businesses with professional landing page templates for building landing pages that convert.

In fact, SeedProd has used one of its templates to create its landing page. This helps convince customers, as they can get a first-hand look and feel of the templates and experience how they will benefit them.

The sales page features an opt-in form, where users can enter their details and sign up to claim their coupon.

They have also included a call to action button on their page that gives more opportunities for users to sign up.

19. Design Sprint Masterclass

Another excellent example of a sales page you can emulate is that of the Design Sprint Masterclass. They feature various elements on their sales page that make it more effective at converting.

The page uses bright colours and bold text to grab the attention of visitors.

Moreover, their sales copy immediately tells customers what they have included in the masterclass and what they can expect to achieve at the end of it.

The sales page also features a video that provides visitors with further information regarding the masterclass and testimonials from high-end clients, which help build credibility.

20. Affirm

Affirm is a financial tech company that allows online shoppers to shop for their desired products and pay for them later. Their main value proposition is convenience, which suits their shoppers perfectly as it always gets them to "say yes."

Their sales page has logos of well-known brands that use them, which helps build customer credibility.

They also back up their claims that they can help you accelerate customer acquisition and keep customers coming back.

Their primary theme, blue, makes their sales page visually appealing to customers, which can also help convince them to purchase.

21. Monday Marketing

Monday Marketing is a platform for business owners to outsource their marketing needs from one place. They tell business owners what they are all about by using a captivating headline: "A powerful platform for all your marketing needs."

Their sales page is short and nicely done, only displaying information that potential clients may need to know.

They have highlighted their product's benefits and key features, stating that their services will help customers build confidence in estimating future costs.

22. Legiit

Finally, Legiit is a platform that allows business and agency owners to get more stuff done. On the platform, they can do this by outsourcing their marketing efforts to top-tier freelancers.

Legiit's home page makes a great sales page since it is visually appealing to the eye and manages to convey the information it intends to communicate in a clear and straightforward way.

They have used a variety of elements to make their home page effective at converting. For instance, they use image slides to show users what they can achieve with the platform.

In addition, they display new and trending services with the top-rated ones to give customers a sneak peek of what freelancers are selling and show them that their freelancers are experts at what they do.

They also have a section where past and current clients leave reviews about their Legiit experience to build credibility. So if you are a business owner or a freelancer, this platform is where you should be.

Signing up and getting started is easy. All you need to do to open a user account is submit your personal and payment details. Once you get approved, you can now interact and work with freelancers from all over the world.


A sales page is meant to increase conversion rates and drive sales. By including all the mentioned elements in your sales page, you can be sure to create one that has high conversion rates, thus helping you grow your business.

That said, make sure to draw some inspiration from these sales pages, and who knows? You might be the next big thing!

About the Author


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I'm a Programmer turned SEO and Marketing enthusiast from Kenya with experience in advertising and digital community management for prominent brands. I have a passion for technology and managing SMEs and I'm excited about the opportunity to work with you!

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