Everyone with a Facebook account probably knows how annoying it is when the admin of groups you are in start tagging everyone with the @everyone tag on them.
Furthermore, you might have been annoyed by people who tag you and the rest of the group because they want you to see some post you aren't even interested in.
If you are one of those people who simply cannot stand seeing @everyone tags, you can also turn this feature off. Keep reading to find out how!
What is the @everyone Feature?
The @everyone feature is a tool that group admins to tag everyone in a group in one post.
If you’re in a Facebook group, you might have come across a notification telling you that a member (probably the admin of the group) has mentioned you and others.
You may find that annoying to be alerted to something you have no interest in.
Why does anyone use the @everyone tag?
The @everyone tag is helpful for Facebook Group admins.
For example, let's say you are hosting a livestream event on Facebook Live and you want to invite everyone in your group to the event. This is what the @everyone tag is designed for and why it is helpful.
You can use the feature to tag everyone in the group in a single post. So, it’s a fairly important feature—and that’s why admins in groups are now using it.
So if you’ve been asking yourself why Facebook admin groups keep on using the feature, now you know.
It doesn’t have to hurt; there is always something you can do about it. Let’s see!
How to Turn off @everyone on Facebook and Stop Seeing the Posts
If you are tired getting mentioned in posts in which you’re not interested, there are two things you can do.
First, you don’t have to leave the group, but you can turn off the feature and just enjoy your peace in the group.
To turn the feature off
1. From anywhere on Facebook (Desktop) Click your face on the top right, and then you're going to click Settings and Privacy,
2. Click Settings
3. From the panel on the left of the screen, click Notifications.
4. Click Tags
5. If it is not selected already, click Friends of Friends
6. There will be a toggle button for Batch @everyone mentions, turn that "Off"
And that's it!
Now you will never get a notification from an @everyone tag on Facebook ever again.
This is the perfect solution. Group owners are able to notify people that are interested in what they are doing without bothering people that aren't interested in being tagged.
Here is a video walkthrough for you as well.
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