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I'm Wpdesignesgo. I am a professional Certified Website Developer/Graphic designer with 4+ years of experience in Websites and graphics. Having a website is only part of the battle. It needs to be professional. It needs to be attractive. But most importantly, it needs to work. I will provide web design and Graphic services to businesses of all sizes. I'm not focused on only providing beautiful design, but on layouts that give your clients the information, they're looking for the oh-so-important first impression of your organization or business, the services you provide, or about the book you.
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What People Say About This Seller


I normally don't leave negative reviews, but beware of this seller. His main concern was getting paid and securing more projects from me. He marked the project complete long before it was actually complete, and now wants to charge me extra to fix his mistakes, that were clearly laid out in a google doc. The "completed" website was full of lorem ipsum (dummy text), and the copy was copy/pasted without even removing the old site styling. Very unprofessional in my opinion.


2.0 (1 Reviews)


2.0 August 20, 2022

I normally don't leave negative reviews, but beware of this seller. His main concern was getting paid and securing more projects from me. He marked the project complete long before it was actually complete, and now wants to charge me extra to fix his mistakes, that were clearly laid out in a google doc. The "completed" website was full of lorem ipsum (dummy text), and the copy was copy/pasted without even removing the old site styling. Very unprofessional in my opinion.

wpdesignesgo’s Reply

Hello Inovativ You have mentioned the 24 pages which I have created and designed for you. I also added 3 pages edit that you forgot in a google doc. The text you provide I put it on your website. And I have done your project at a very affordable price. Thank you
