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Hey there, this is Deep Wadhwa from LinkOceans Digital. I stepped into Digital Marketing as a content writer in 2012 and in 2016 I started my own Agency called LinkOceans. 

Since then, I have been helping clients with High-authority backlinks from top US media outlets like Forbes, INC, CIO, USA Today, TechRadar, etc. We also provide niche-relevant links, guest posts, Press Releases, and content writing services. We don't offer any PBNs for now and will never do.

Till now, we have successfully placed over 500 clients on Forbes and over 300 clients on Entrepreneur and all have been done in the safest way possible following the content guidelines and terms/conditions of these sites so that the article stays in the long run.

We have a great inventory and satisfied clients. You can always check our reviews at Facebook.com/linkoceans

Let's talk if you are looking for a perfect branding solution for your business with a white-labeling service.

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