Need Help?

Write For The Legiit Blog!


Opportunity for some exposure!

If you offer any kind of written content creation service
  • Copywriting
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Creation
  • etc…
We would like to feature you on the Legiit Blog, with a link back to your writing service!


Write an article on topics such as
  • Freelancing
  • Business
  • Time Management
  • Mindset
  • or anything else that fits with the Legiit blog (linked in comments if you want to get an idea)

Article Requirements

  • Minimum 500 words (no maximum)
  • Must be 100% original
  • Must be 100% unique and pass copyscape
  • Must be written in English and have high quality spelling and grammar
  • Can’t be used anywhere else in the past or future
  • Must be formatted as needed (bullets etc…)
  • Optional but HIGHLY recommended to include your own royalty free images.
I also suggest you keyword optimize it so that it will rank in Google and bring you traffic for a long time.


  • Write your article(s) with the above guidelines
  • Submit them, along with a link to your service to [email protected] with the subject line “Legiit Blog Submission”


  • Every week we will include a new post in the Legiit weekly roundup.
  • We will run paid advertising to each article for a week thus getting you even more exposure
  • Each article will be shared in the Legiit and Superstar SEO Facebook groups and pages.
  • Free Tacos For Life At Del Taco! ???
(That last one isn’t true)
So that’s the gist of it everyone.
If you have any questions please drop them in the comments below or hit up our support team at [email protected] or http://legiit.support
Most of all… thanks for being Legiit!

About the Author


Reviews   (4)

This account was created on 6/10/2018 by Chris M. Walker CEO of Legiit. This is 100% real and if you get a message from it you are to take it seriously. It will only be used to communicate violations of Legiit policy and enforce rules.

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