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How Persuasion Marketing Can Transform Your Business?


Persuasive marketing is the secret sauce to selling more products and services. In fact, it's the only thing that matters.

If you want to sell more products and services, then you need to learn how to persuade customers to buy from you. This means understanding why people do what they do and knowing how to get them to change their minds.

In this article, I'm going to explain the importance of persuasion in marketing. I'll also tell you exactly what persuasive marketing is and how you can implement it yourself.

What is Persuasive Marketing?

Persuasion is the ability to influence others by using words, tone of voice, body language, gestures, and so on to change their attitudes and behaviors. It is an art form that requires skill and experience.

The most effective way to persuade someone is to understand what they want and need. Then, find ways to meet those needs while still maintaining integrity.

Persuasive marketing uses techniques such as emotional appeals, social proof, and scarcity to convince consumers to purchase a product or service.

You can use these persuasion techniques in business for both sales and marketing.

Why is persuasive marketing so important in business?

The goal of persuasive marketing is to convince potential buyers to purchase a product or service. The main difference between traditional marketing and persuasive marketing is that persuasive marketing uses various forms of communication to influence consumers' attitudes towards a particular brand.

Marketers use persuasive techniques to change consumer behavior. They do this by influencing how consumers think about a certain product or service.

Persuasive messages are designed to appeal to emotions rather than logic. These include:

* Positive reinforcement - "You'll love our new product."

* Negative reinforcement - "Don't let your friends know you're buying this!"

* Social proof - "Everyone else is doing it." (reviews)

* Authority - "Our company has been around for over 100 years”

* Scarcity - "Only 10 left! Hurry while supplies last".

In other words, the best way to persuade someone is to make them feel something. These emotions are powerful motivators. If you can tap into these emotions, you can persuade anyone to do almost anything.

Emotion is the most important element of persuasion. Without it, there is nothing to persuade. And that’s why persuasion is the key to getting users to buy your product or service.

Persuasive marketing is the key to making more sales

Persuasive marketing is the most important factor for increasing sales. It’s not just about getting people to buy from you; it’s making sure that people understand why they should buy from you rather than someone else.

Therefore, it’s not just about selling a product but also about influencing people to buy into what you are saying. They need to know what benefits they'll receive if they choose to buy from you instead of another company.

Remember, you need to make sure that your message is clear and consistent across every channel you use. The best way to do this is by creating an effective brand identity. This helps you to create a strong visual presence both online and offline.

Why persuasion is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal

With persuasion we can control people's thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviors and actions. We convince others through our words and behavior. This ability comes naturally to us. It's one of our best tools in our everyday lives. But not everyone understands the art of persuasion, especially those who've never learned it. Even though they know this skill exists, they don't understand how to use it effectively.

So, let's find out how you can create your own persuasion marketing strategy.

The 6 principles of persuasive marketing

There are six basic principles of persuasive marketing. These principles will help you understand how to persuade others to buy from you or take the desired action.

Social Currency

One of the tactics in persuasive marketing is to increase people's social standing. You can achieve this by providing social currency.

To create social currency, you need to create compelling content that makes people feel special, look interesting, appear exclusive, and provide value.

For example, you can create social currency for your content by asking people to sign up for your email newsletter. In return for their email address you're giving them access to exclusive content.

When you do this, people will feel compelled to share your content. That's because social influence has become a powerful tool. It makes us feel special. And when people share your content, you've increased your chances of achieving your objectives. For example: to grow your email list.


A lot of marketers talk about triggers, but few actually know how to use them effectively. This is where persuasion comes in. Persuasive marketing focuses on getting people to think about your products and services. And it does this by using triggers. These triggers center around the idea that what someone sees, smells or hears can trigger certain thoughts, feelings and actions.

What makes a trigger?

Well, it's anything that causes someone to think about your product, service or idea.

* Music - People associate songs with events, places and people. But music also stimulates our emotions. Hence the use of different types of music depending on the context.

* Visuals - We remember places we've been and things we see. The travel industry is great at reminding us of places we'd rather be.

* Sound - Certain sounds are more memorable than others. Samsung and Apple both have distinctive ringtones. Do you think this helps with brand recall?

* Words - For years advertising executives have been trying to perfect their slogans. We all know 'the best a man can get' is a Gillette. And 'Just do it' has probably sold more sneakers than any other slogan.

* Smell - Smells remind us of past experiences. But they can also produce a negative response. No one enjoys eating in a stinky restaurant!

* Taste - Tastes remind us of past experiences and evoke strong emotional responses. It could be a family dinner from your childhood or your first date with your partner.

Triggers center around the idea that what people see, smell or hear can trigger certain thoughts, feelings and other emotions. All of which are vital to persuading someone to take action.

A lot of brands focus on branding themselves. But they forget about the importance of triggering their audience. Brands should instead focus on defining and building those triggers, which can spur instant connections between your brand and its audience. 

Have you thought about how you can trigger your audience to think about your products or services?


Persuasive marketing is all about using emotion to persuade someone to buy your product or service. You can use emotional triggers to trigger positive feelings in your audience. These positive feelings can lead to buying decisions.

For example, if you sell shoes, you might use the following emotional triggers to persuade your audience to buy your shoes: 

* Excitement - "These shoes are amazing!"

* Satisfaction - "These are the most comfortable shoes you'll ever own"

There are lots of other emotional triggers that you can use to influence the purchase decisions of your audience. Try thinking about how you can use emotional triggers to persuade your audiences to buy your products and services.


There are two main reasons why sharing ideas online makes them more likely to become contagious. First, if someone shares an idea in public, others are more likely to hear about it.

Second, there's a human psychology component that plays a role: people tend to copy what others are doing.

So if you want to encourage word of mouth, make sure that your content is easily found and shareable.

Practical Value

In order to persuade people to buy your product, you need to give them a reason why. What makes it the right product for their needs? And what's the best way to do that? By giving them practical value.

Practical value means providing them with information that helps them solve problems or achieve goals.

So when you write content for your website, make sure it gives readers practical value. Give them information that helps them solve their problem or achieve their goal.

And remember, people like to share practical info, especially when it's concise and related to their interests. So, if you want to persuade people to share your content, then make sure that it's useful and relevant for your target audience.


You can use stories to connect with your audience and build trust. A great way to tell a story is through branded content. So make sure that your brand is an integral part of the stories you tell. Otherwise, your prospect might forget about your brand.

If you apply these persuasive marketing examples, you'll find yourself getting results faster than ever before.

6 tips for creating a persuasive marketing funnel

A marketing funnel is an interactive tool used by marketers to track the progress of prospects through the sales cycle. It helps them understand how many people are interested in their product or service at each stage of the buying process.

These stages typically include: awareness, building desire, conversion, and advocacy. And there can be many steps along the customer journey that can be optimized.

But what if we could learn the secrets to creating a persuasive marketing funnel that dramatically increases conversions?

The secret lies in understanding the psychology behind the conversion funnel. Once you do that, you'll find yourself able to craft a marketing funnel that converts at a higher rate than any other.

1. Identify your target market: who is your ideal customer?

It's one of the oldest questions in business: who is your customer? If you don't know your customer or you haven't identified your target audience, do you really have a business?

You might have the best product or service, but if your potential customers don't know about you, they can't buy from you. Therefore you must do research on your ideal customer.

This research will help you develop persuasive content for each stage of the customer journey.

Questions you might want answers to include:

* What is the mindset at each stage?

* What are their pain points?

* What is the search intent?

* Do they have a purchase intention?

* What solutions are they looking for?

* What is the customer behavior?

* What would the customer expect to see when they visit your website?

In order to deliver persuasive marketing, you must satisfy their wants and needs.

2. Create a lead magnet

The most important aspect of any marketing funnel is the lead generation stage. This is where you generate interest in your product or service.

You do this by offering something valuable to your potential customer. Something that solves a problem for them. This is why you need to create a compelling value proposition. One that makes sense to your prospect.

There are several different ways to do this. However, the most important part is offering something valuable in return for their contact information.

3. Build a landing page that convert

Once you've created a great value proposition you'll need to make sure that you communicate it effectively.

That means making sure that you tell your story clearly and concisely. And you answer their questions and give them a reason to buy from you. You must include calls-to-action that encourage your leads to act now.

Your page should include:

* Compelling headline that speaks to the prospect.

* Great copywriting that clearly tells the story.

* A single call-to-action that encourages the reader to take action.

* An opt-in form. This is the most important aspect of your landing page.

4. Create awareness

A persuasive marketing funnel is an effective way to convert visitors into customers. But it doesn't happen automatically.

Paid advertising: This is the quickest method to drive traffic to your landing page.

Social media: use your social media channels to promote your value proposition. You can also test your copy and visuals with your existing audience. If it resonates with them, it's likely it will resonate with your target audience.

Email marketing: If you have a list, make sure to use it wisely. Promote your lead magnet to your list and measure and evaluate the results.

SEO: you can also rank your landing page for search terms. However, it's more likely that prospects will discover your other content first. Therefore you must ensure that you have thought about the desired user journey across your site. This means you promote your lead magnet when it's relevant to do so.

You also need to make sure that your value proposition is consistent across all channels. If you do this well, you'll find that your conversion rate goes up dramatically.

5. Optimize your email sequence

Once someone registers for your lead magnet, your job is not over. While you have their contact details, they are not yet a customer. Therefore, you must hone your emails to persuade them to buy from you.

6. Test, Measure, Evaluate, and Respond

At every stage you must evaluate and learn. You might discover a technical fault with your website or your emails are going to a spam folder.

Don't be afraid to experiment and fail sometimes. Try different things until you find out which ones work best for your audience. It's important to keep trying new things and learning what works best.

Persuasive Marketing: Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use persuasive marketing?

Persuasive marketing is an art form. It requires a lot of skill and practice. Persuasive marketing is more than simply writing compelling copy. It's about creating a story that makes sense for your prospect.

You must find out what motivates them and how they make decisions. Then you must create a narrative that speaks directly to those motivations.

A great persuasive piece of content is one that is written in such a way that it doesn't feel like advertising. Instead it feels like a conversation between two friends.

In order to achieve this level of persuasion you must be able to empathize with your reader. You must be able to put yourself in their shoes and imagine what they would say if they were talking to you.

What is an example of persuasive advertising?

1. Reciprocity - People love free samples. But if you can give away a free sample for something expensive (or desirable) you'll stimulate an emotional response: desire.

This is a powerful persuasion technique and can boost sales.

2. Authority - Appeal to executives and golfers alike: "Ready to inspire your team? Join world-respected Ryder Cup winner Paul McGinley for his online course Landscape of Leadership."

3. Consistency - Nike have consistently promoted their brand by using the slogan 'just do it'. Those 3 simple words have supported many different advertising campaigns. So, don't underestimate the power of your slogan.

4. Social Proof - Legiit is a great example of a platform that puts its users first. By encouraging buyers to leave reviews, the entire community benefits. These reviews add a sense of security and legitimacy which buyers will find reassuring.

5. Scarcity - By adding stock levels to your products, you create a sense of scarcity. This could be the final nudge your prospect needs to persuade them to click that buy button.

Which type of marketing is the most persuasive?

There's no one type of marketing that's the most persuasive. As a business owner, the question you should be asking yourself is this: how can I make all my marketing tactics persuasive. You should be taking every opportunity to make sure your prospects know that you're the best option for them.

What are the 6 persuasive marketing techniques?

1. Reciprocity - People tend to reciprocate favors. So, if you've given them something valuable, they are more likely to give something back to you. For example: if you give them a free sample, they're more likely to purchase your product later.

2. Authority - People trust those who seem knowledgeable and authoritative. They believe that these individuals have access to information that only experts possess. If you can become an expert in your industry you could then be considered an authority. 

3. Consistency - People prefer consistency over change. Therefore, if you consistently deliver the same message, your brand or ad will become more memorable. For example: Nike and 'just do it'; or Gillette 'the best a man can be'.

You should also strive to consistently deliver quality products or services. If you do, your customers will keep coming back for more.

4. Social Proof - People are influenced by what others are doing. If everyone else is buying your product, then maybe they should too. If you can, ask for feedback or product reviews.

5. Scarcity - People are motivated by scarcity. Our brains are wired to respond to scarcity. When there isn’t enough of something, we feel emotion. This is why we crave things so badly. Because we 'think' need them. Advertisers can use scarcity to create demand.

6. Liking - we tend to do business with those that we like. Therefore it's important for you to build a rapport with your prospects. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, persuasive marketing is a powerful tool that can be used by anyone who wishes to sell products or services.

It's a simple concept, really. But in order to persuade others, you must first understand why they would want to purchase your product or service. Once you've done that, you need to communicate effectively using the six principles of persuasive marketing. This will allow you to convince potential customers that your product or service is exactly what they need. And when you're able to successfully persuade people to buy your product or service, you'll reap the rewards.

Don't forget that Legiit is the perfect place to buy marketing services for your business. Whether you need help developing your value proposition, optimizing your landing page or running your ads, there's a Legiit specialist waiting for you. Register for free today.

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