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Creating Link Baits that Soar: Unleashing the Power of Engaging Content to Attract High-Quality Backlinks


Every SEO’s dream is to "please" search engines and their target audience otherwise link building wouldn't be as popular.

For a good reason! With the increase of websites and the constant change in Google's algorithm, competition for audience attention and search ranking has gone up.

In fact, creating content in such an environment should be considered an extreme sport. Now, this is not to discourage you from pursuing such endeavors but rather to paint a picture of how important creating valuable content is.

Valuable content builds a unique relationship with your audience (and other people in the industry) that translates to traffic, sales, and other desired benefits—like backlinks and good rankings for your target keywords.

Basically, content that will make them bookmark your page, share your blog and link back to your site. That's what link baiting definition in link building is—using content. But how do you create that content?

In this article, we’ll take you through some of the strategies and tactics you can use to build content that will naturally attract backlinks.

Let’s get started.

What Is Link Bait and How to Use It?

Link bait is a type of SEO strategy that involves creating quality content that naturally attracts high-quality backlinks.

As you know, backlinks are inbound links on your website that according to Google indicate the value of your content—because the linking site is basically vouching for you.

So that means, the more high-quality backlinks you have the more chances of ranking top on SERPs.

Sounds like an idea, right? Let’s look at what you need to do in order to have link baits in your content.

How To Use Link Bait In Your Content

The ability to create link bait content is a must-have skill, one that requires creativity and a touch of psychology.

Understand that, link bait content is more than just quality content that provides engagement—otherwise, 90% of websites would be flooded with backlinks.

So how do you use link baiting to your advantage? There are many ways to maximize link baiting and bask in their benefits—using any of the following link baiting examples:

#1. Evoking an emotional response to trigger the share effect

As a passive link building tactic, link baiting uses subtle techniques that revolve around psychology and emotions like fear, happiness, and so on.

Think about it, the last time you shared a blog post on social media, what was the driving factor?

Chances are you felt connected to its content and an emotion such as joy, anger, or sadness was likely involved.

That is the same way your audience operates. Include content that will trigger emotions in your link bait.

#2. Use compelling visuals to captivate your audience

Link bait content is designed to be of high quality and provide a reader with an amazing experience.

One of the ways this need can be met is by using enticing visuals that make it easier for readers to grasp and interpret the necessary information.

It's a proven scientific fact that human beings tend to process information on images much faster compared to information on text.

So, why are you not using it?

#3. Use the art of storytelling

There is no better way to pass a message than through storytelling. In fact, some marketers have in the past referred to this as story-selling.

Regardless of the nature of the message, stories are a great way to connect to an audience and establish an emotional connection. Stories draw attention and build a visual imagination of a situation.

Therefore using this strategy gives you a leg up on the competition of syncing with your audience and getting links in return.

Why is Link Bait Important?

The sole purpose of link baits is to naturally generate backlinks. And the only way you can get backlinks to your website is if your readers and other bloggers deem your content worthy of linking.

Great features in link bait examples above such as high value, captivating visuals, and emotional triggers, make it easier for readers to engage with it and link to your website.

Such results bring about other benefits that make link baiting worth it. Let’s take a look at them:

#1. Wider Audience Reach

The high-value nature of link baits and emotional triggers are some factors that motivate readers to share its content.

As a result, more people get to learn about your content and engage with it. This type of engagement influences Google and other search engines.

The more it ranks on SERPs the more people view it as valuable content and the cycle continues.

#2. High organic traffic

Everyone blogging online today wants the highest amount of traffic on their site. But there are two sides to the story: those that generate content that can attract traffic and those that don’t see the light of the day.

Now the former, are good at creating valuable content that of course contains the link baits we’ve already covered in this article—that’s why they stand out.

#3. A Long-term Investment

With the kind of value link baits have, they are likely to outlive their time. This means that even after some years, readers will still find your content and get the chance to link to it.

Also, if you look at the cost of purchasing backlinks to your website, link baiting seems like a cheaper and more sustainable investment with a guarantee of high-quality backlinks than the other strategies.

#4. Commands Authority

Content that is written with expertise, has useful information and answers its reader's question is the type of content that commands authority in search engines.

Link bait content uses the same criteria giving it an authoritative position on search engines. This is part of the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) qualities that Google uses to rank a website.

What Are The Types Of Link Baits? (8 Examples To Show You How It's Done)

There are many types of link baits that vary in target audience, niche, and industry. That’s because they each have their unique features that make them stand out to different audiences.

Let’s take a look.

#1. Interactive Content

Any content that engages your audience and moves them to share is link-bait-worthy content.

To create interactive content, you'll need to study your audience and know what speaks to them. This type of content will help you build a relationship between you and your audience.

If your audience can engage with your content, they are more likely to share and even link back to your website.

#2. News Worthy

Creating a link bait from newsworthy content means creating a timely, significant, and detailed topic that keeps your news enthusiasts on the know.

Additionally, think of the content that other journalists and reporters can rely on when sourcing for information to report on.

The big idea here is that, if they can rely on your website as a credible source for up-to-date information, they're likely to be compelled to link back to your website.

#3. Listicles

Listicles are articles with a number of listed items broken down into subtopics under a general topic.

They make it easier for readers to skim through and enjoy the read—think of having lists of tools, recipes, DIYs and so on.

Also, many readers prefer to know what to expect and estimate the time it'd take them to go through the whole article.

Link baits of this nature need to include detailed paragraphs of each item on the list—without forgetting the visuals of course.

#4. How to Guides

These are detailed information in a step-by-step process meant to educate a reader on how to perform a task with instructions from start to finish.

Examples of this kind of content include:

  • How To Become an SEO
  • How To Increase Your Google Rankings Withing a Month

…and so on.

Readers who seek how-to-guides often have little knowledge about the subject so providing images, videos, and comprehensive descriptions is a great way to create link-bait content.

The clearer your guides are, the more chances of getting backlinks to your website.

#5. Opinion Blogs

Opinion blogs cover personal thoughts and experiences on a certain topic—they’re a good way of becoming a thought leader in your industry.

It could be a review on an item or a political stance. Whichever suits you. It should have an authentic voice that readers can relate to.

For example, if you have experience in certain fields such as film reviews and you create content that excels, other sites with similar interests are likely to link to you for your expertise.

#6. Digital Tools

Creating content that revolves around digital tools by providing exhausted details of each tool to educate and inform readers of its existence is another link bait generator.

As an SEO with experience in the Legiit GMSD dashboard (a digital SEO tool), for example, can create a well written piece with related images explaining what the tool is about, how it works and where to find it.

This may in return attract backlinks from people who found the information helpful and useful.

#7. Infographics

No one is interested in reading a ten page report book of information that would otherwise be represented in a single image.

Infographics are information presented as images that allow readers to easily understand and interpret data.

For example, pie charts, graphs, and tables can be used to represent statistical data that would be harder to interpret through text.

Making infographics a great link bait content because internet users and bloggers can share it in their blogs and so on which can give you valuable backlinks and exposure.

#8. Exclusives

I'm sure you've come across websites that specialize within their niche. For example, if you are in the stock market, providing link baits with information that are unique to you, builds credibility with your audience.

The same goes for exclusive interviews with famous people or great leaders in your industry. They'll have no choice but to link to you. After all, where else will they find such information?

Creating link bait content is an easy strategy, the success of it, however, depends on how you’re going to implement what we’ve talked about in this article.

Final Thoughts

Link baiting through the creation of engaging content is a powerful and long-term SEO technique that is ahead of its time.

Doing it the right way will guarantee you hundreds if not thousands of high quality backlinks.

This is not to say that it will happen immediately after publishing your link bait. It takes time but in the long run it's worth it.

To know if you have backlinks pointing to your website, you need to sign up for the Legiit Dashboard. The Dashboard is the right tool for you to track all your backlinks and know if your efforts are going in the right direction or not.

You can also opt to buy backlinks but getting the best backlinks through such an option is not guaranteed. You could end up losing your website to spammy backlinks and tons of manual action from Google.

Otherwise, remember, that the content you create should always be about your audience—that’s the real content bait.

About the Author


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I am a Digital marketing strategist with outstanding creative writing skills.

Telling stories about your business through unique content is what I do best.
I strive to provide strategies that will not only resonate with your audience but also convert.
So, whether you need to enhance your social media presence or increase engagement with your customers, I am the person for the job.

I believe quality content can be derived from anything depending on who's looking for it and for what purpose.
To all businesses out there, big or small, there is a spot for you in the online world.


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