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The idea for Legiit is just over 4 years old.

It was created to fill a gap in the freelancing and marketing industry that existed that gave customers the confidence to know they are protected, supported, and getting the quality service they need and deserve and freelancers the freedom to grow and scale their businesses in the same way I was able to.

Some of our core principles are Community, Service, and Knowledge and we have tried to implement those into every decision we make in those 4 years, listening to the needs of our community, providing the best service and innovation we possibly can, and sharing knowledge with everyone to help them grow in whatever way we can.

It hasn’t always been easy, and we’ve had our setbacks and missteps, but I hope our dedication to these principles and our community has been clear.

Additionally over that time we have tried to innovate on the platform itself, through our marketing, and our approach to helping everyone get more stuff done, which is not just our slogan but another of our core principles.

Those of you that have been around since the early days know that Legiit is something totally different than it started as, and we are committed to that trajectory for the coming years.

This includes adding functionality to the platform that you won’t find anywhere else in the industry, recruting top tier freelancer talent that can fulfill your needs no matter what vertical you are in, bringing in new clientelle so that our best in the industry freelancers can put their talents to use, and partnering with some of the top names and platforms in the industry to help everyone grow in the way they best see fit.

That is just some of what we have planned for the future of Legiit and how it can be a help to you.

We can’t wait to bring all of that to you, and if we could we’d have all of it and more done today.

But Legiit is also a business that operates in the real world, and in the real world sometimes businesses have to make difficult choices.

One of the difficult choices we made in the beginning was a pricing model.

Since Legiit launched in 2018 we’ve had the lowest platform fee structure in the industry on both sides of the transaction, and we intend to continue to do our best to continue to make that the case for the foreseeable future.

Having said that we have a responsibility to be able to sustain the platform, and particularly keep pace with increasing merchant processing fees and tighter regulations and demands by merchant processors.

So we have reluctantly come to the difficult decision that effective October 27th, 2021 we will begin adding the industry standard 3% merchant processing fee to all purchases and deposits made, with the exception of wallet purchases will continue to have 0% processing fees.

There will be no change to the fee structure for freelancers.

This will help us offset some (but not all) of the costs associated with accepting payments through the various processors, and allow us to continue to invest in your future at an even greater rate than we have been over the last 4 years.

We didn’t reach this decision lightly, but we had to take a look at what was the most sustainable way we can continue to help everyone with their business needs and provide a sustainable platform for years to come.

Our mission is to help our community get more stuff done and continue to do our best to provide trickle down happiness for everyone on Legiit, customer (and their clients), freelancer, and the community and industry as a whole.

We appreciate your understanding and you being part of the Legiit community now, and for years to come, we’ve got some exciting things lined up that we can’t wait to share with you.

From myself and everyone on the Legiit Team we thank you for letting us be a part of your team.

If you have questions please message us at [email protected]

Chris M. Walker
CEO Legiit
