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Welcome to my service

 Are you looking for active and legitimate email Business Leads and web research services for B2B lead generation? You will get accurate service right here.

I'm Khalid. I am a professional data entry specialist. Over the past few years, I have gained a lot of experience working with virtual assistants. Let me know if you need any kind of data entry or virtual assistant project. I can help you reach your goals.

Here's what I need:

To get started, please provide me with these details:

Targeted Industries/Niches/Keywords

Targeted Locations

Targeted Job Titles/Roles

Company/website/contact list/social media profile like Facebook, ig, x, linkedin, tiktok (if available)


I will provide you.. 

Contact Name


Email (Verified)

Mobile/Company Phone

Company Name


Contact Location (city/state/country)

Company Address

Contact LinkedIn

Other if Needed/Possible


Why should you choose me?

  • On-Time Delivery 
  • 100% work Accuracy
  • Unlimited Revision  
  • Fast response
  • valid emails with 100% accuracy and ensure a low bounce rate

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am excited to work with you and look forward to hearing from you.
I'm committed to delivering results that drive your business forward.

Thanks and regards


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