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Are you looking to increase your Amazon FBA Wholesale Business? Do you need a reliable Amazon virtual assistant who can handle all aspects of your Seller Central account? Look no further! I am here to provide you with exceptional service.


Hello everyone!

I am an Amazon FBA Wholesale Virtual Assistant ready to assist you in achieving success. Whether you're just starting out or already have an established store, I have the skills and expertise to help you grow your business. I have experience in both, the USA and the UK marketplaces.


Following are the FBA tools in which I have expertise.

  • Scan Unlimited
  • Profitl
  • Keepa
  • Helium 10
  • Jungle Scout


My services include

  1. Contacting and Opening Wholesale Accounts with Wholesalers, Distributors, and Brands
  2. Scanning sheets received from the suppliers with the help of Scan Unlimited tool to find the best products of desired criteria
  3. Analysis of Buybox and our share in sales using the Keepa, Profitl (for the UK), and Jungle Scout (for the USA)
  4. Product Listing.
  5. Creation of item labels and Shipment Plan
  6. Seller Central Account Management
  7. Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Reports

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