I'm saimum, 'i have over 4 years of experience
in Contact and mail List Building and Targeted B2B Lead Generation.
I'm well-equipped to help businesses like yours achieve their goals.
How it Works:
To get started, please provide me with these details:
Targeted Industries/Niches/Keywords
Targeted Locations
Targeted Job Titles/Roles
Company/website/contact list/social media profile like FAcebook, ig, x, linkedin, tiktok (if available)
Here's what I'll do for you:
Contact Name
Email (Verified)
Mobile/Company Phone
Company Name
Contact Location (city/state/country)
Company Address
Contact LinkedIn
Other if Needed/Possible
Why should you choose me?
I provide valid emails with 100% accuracy and ensure a low bounce rate.
I'm committed to delivering results that drive your business forward.
Feel free to contrct me I here always for you
a joy.
Thank you