Automation saves you from paying extras for hiring. Now it is time to assist you getting this to life. Zapier and Integromat are the most famous process integration tools for integrating and automating almost anything you could imagine.
Process automation connects 2 or more platform APIs to get the desired data output and resolve challenges.
Plug & Play
It is a basic 2-step automation (e.g. Gmail with google sheets). It is basically connecting 2 services/portals to take an input from one and sends output to the other.
3-5 steps automations by connecting more than 2 services, or do extra work (e.g. get email attachments from Gmail and upload them to Drive + send slack notifications)
Complex (3-10 multi steps) including Webhooks and API integrations (e.g. validate email address via mail checker + create a Shopify account + generate a row data on google sheets + send cloud firebase notification to client phone)
FYI, please contact me first before purchasing or choosing a package