A link pyramid is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that involves building backlinks and sending those backlinks to other backlinks. It is designed to improve the ranking of a website in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). In a link pyramid, the top tier consists of backlinks that point directly to the target website, while the second tier consists of backlinks that point to the first tier, and the third tier consists of backlinks that point to the second tier. This way, the authority of the backlinks is passed from one layer to the next until it reaches the target website. Our basic link pyramid service includes:
We also offer service extras to improve the effectiveness of our link pyramid service, including a high indexing rate, a natural mix of high page authority (PA), domain authority (DA), trust flow (TF), citation flow (CF), and domain rating (DR) backlinks, and a blend of no-follow and do-follow links for a more natural appearance. Our service is 100% secure and compliant with Google's guidelines, and we accept up to one URL and three to five keywords per order. We always over-deliver, using random user names to reduce footprints and providing three unique spun articles and a detailed excel report. Our service is also safe for use with Panda and Penguin.
According to multiple sources, the average time for websites to rank on Google through optimization (SEO) techniques is about three to six months. That's right – jumping to the front of Google's results usually takes between 90-180 days, depending on the competitiveness of your industry and popularity of your keywords.
The average cost for project-based SEO services ranges from $1,000 to $1 million and up. Smaller companies using local SEO could spend roughly $1,000 a month per project. Larger, enterprise-level companies can expect to pay millions of dollars a month.