My service value is different from other sellers.
The Process:
I will find all the lists already listed. Then I will open a new mail and do the necessary sites with the correct information.
We will update the mail username and password status of each site and send it to you in an Excel sheet with full login details. As a result, if you need any future updates, you can do so with these login details.
If you still have any questions, please let me know.
Why Choice Us:
Ø Experienced In Building Citation, Fixing, Claim And Edit.
Ø Careful About NAP
Ø Avoid Duplicate Listing what others don’t.
Ø Check Bright Local, YEXT, Other Site and manually Checking Before Listing.
Ø Focus in Local and Niche Directory Which Have maximum local visitors. In this case maximum sellers use only general sites.
This Is How The Working Process Look Like:
1. You provided all info, which is required for Start Working.
2. I will provided an excel sheet report.
3. You will find the complete work details in the excel sheet along with the login info.
4. If you think any change is needed, I will do it.