With the first package you can choose one of the below services;
Product Description Writing ($40)
Upto 25 product descriptions written and delivered as excel file via google drive link
Writing About Us/Bio For Website($22-40)
A personalized piece of content written from the view of a person non linked to your business to better describe your purpose and aim in this new venture that you have begun.
Website Proof Reading($22-40)
Entire website scanned and any grammar or errors pointed out as a pdf file which you can read through and make necessary changes.
Hi we have a team of 4 who is happy to help do any data entry task as we have taken on projects previously of large scale such as website proof reading, about description writing or product entries into excel or direct in the website backend.
Tasks We Undertake;
Data Entry Into Excel/Word etc
Writing Website About Us Page/Section
Product Entry Into Excel/Website Backend
Product Description Entry
Website Proof Reading
I have attached screenshots of a few tasks completed by us in gallery.
I am seasoned web designer thus I can help go over both information that you want to convey to a person who has no idea about your business and a first time visitor to your website. Also I can point out any design issues if there are any since I have seen a lot of websites both as a end user and web designer.
Ready to get this done for you order now.
Best Regards,
NW(Network Agency Owner)