If you purchase the premium package on this service, we'll give you a money-back guarantee that we can give your site the fastest loading speed possible, and if we can't deliver that promise, we'll refund you your money back, no questions asked. HOWEVER - please note that for some websites, because of your design, you may be including some elements on your site which trigger red flag warnings on GTmetrix or page speed insights. In almost every case, these items will NOT affect the actual load time of your site regardless of them reducing your score on GTmetrix. We will test your site with and without these elements active to verify and will notify you if your site is one of these cases. In such cases, we will recommend choosing the route which leaves you with the best overall site speed. GTmetrix is an arbitrary testing tool used for benchmarking, and will not ALWAYS be accurate for every site's design and functionality. Also, in some cases, if the hosting that you are using for your site becomes a limiting factor in achieving a high score, we'll let you know this, but as your choice of hosting is beyond our control we can not be liable if your hosting is limiting the performance of your site. We will certainly advise you on how to improve it, however, we can't offer refunds based on matters outside our direct control.