King Kong Keywords
Transform Your Website Into The Authority It Should Be!!!!!
Over 438 client websites have transformed already... are you ready to be the next transformation story?
So I don't want to waste your time with some long winded opening here...instead, I'll just get stuck in so you know EXACTLY how I can help you...
What I do here, is discover keywords in your niche, with low competition and great search volume so you can RANK FAST...
basically, I'll give you your GOLDEN NUGGET KEYWORDS, that will make ranking on page 1 SO EASY, that you'll get angry at yourself for not hiring me sooner.
But that's okay, as you haven't missed out just yet... because although the the best time to hire me was yesterday, the second best time is actually right NOW!
Here's what Barry Page has to say about this service. (Spoiler alert...he won't stop hiring me)
Here's what you'll be getting in more detail
10-20, Authority-website-ready keywords in your niche
The most important metrics you probably already know about, including Domain Authority, Moz Ranking and Backlink Profiles
PLUS...and this is a big one- *come in close as I whisper in your ear....ready? Okay, so I'll also give you a report with your competitors dirtiest little secrets about how they're actually ranking for their keywords RIGHT NOW.
That's right, you can then STEAL their tactics (who am I to judge), and rocket right past them so YOU get all the traffic and sales...not him, not Those commissions are now yours. Fair game. You won. Sucks to be them.
So You're Ready I know, But How Do You Get Started ?
Just give me the niche you want the keywords in, sit back and i’ll work my magic !!!
Step 1: Click the Purple " proceed to order " button on the right hand side
Step 2: Provide me with your niche and URL if you have one. (you don't even need a website yet)
Step 3: Within the next few days I'll be sending you the exact keywords you need to transform your website into an authority monster
But if you're still on the fence, take a look at what others are saying!!!
Here's how "King Keywords" Became the Unfair Advantage for SEOs in 2019"
So it was the hot season in Thailand, and I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair in Chiang Mai with my friends Clay and Mark. We're all SEO's, so the conversation naturally led into the same thing. Links, ranking, niches and keywords.
Now to cut a very long story short, we all pretty much agreed that the money we were spending on ranking some keywords was insane. There had to be a better way...there was.
After couple beers I headed back to the condo and started digging through my old keyword research data with Clay. When I pulled up some of the data, he just said...dude, what the f** why aren't we targeting this stuff already? This is gonna be EASY! Why do we need to go for high comp keywords when we already have thousands of easy keywords to rank right here? Exactly Clay, exactly!
well it was obvious, and from that day, that's how I've attacked and ranked tons of niches on Google's front page. It's the always was.
See that's my secret, I just make ranking websites SEEM EASY....p.s Please don't tell those lot at the Chiang Mai SEO conference though. I was invited as a VIP in 2018...maybe they thought I was special....shhhh, this is our little secret, thank you.