I am a computer science engineering student, in my final year to get a degree in Web Intelligence 🔥😎. I have worked on many projects during the 3 years I have studied. I am a self taught graphic designer, and I love coding. Chasing a Data Science career, and I freelance in my spare time.
Some websites can contain a very large amount of invaluable data. Stock prices, product details, sports stats, company contacts, you name it. If you wanted to access this information, you’d either have to use whatever format the website uses or copy-paste the information manually into a new document. Here’s where web scraping can help.
What is web scraping?
Web scraping refers to the extraction of data from a website. This information is collected and then exported into a format that is more useful for the user. Be it a spreadsheet or an API. The extraction process is done either using available tools or using custom scripts that run automatically and extract whatever data you need.
Using code is more beneficial than using available scraping tools. Tools are often costly, and are not very customizable. Code is the opposite. It can be used multiple times, and can be customized depending on what website we are dealing with, and what information we want to extract.
I personally use both Python and Javascript to build my scripts, but I am a Javascript enthusiast so I'll stick with it for now ;). With that said, if you need a Python script I'll gladly offer it.
My service consists of 3 packs: LEVEL0, LEVEL9, and LEVEL99. Each has its own use case.
LEVEL0: For simple websites that are straight forward, don't need any complications, and that don't drain too much resources to deal with. I can scrap up to 1500 page.
LEVEL9: For tricky websites that need more effort to deal with and scrap than the simple ones, for examples websites that use AJAX requests to get their data…etc
LEVEL99: BOSS level when talking about websites and scraping, those are websites that use captcha for examples, or use hidden APIs…etc
Each of those scenarios are determined by me if you don't have the necessary knowledge to figure it out. That's why I recommend you talking to me before placing an order. To avoid complications.