So you have an awesome Video that has been excepted widely by your Tribe
You have taken the time to share with your community the best information
that you could possibly conjure up. The exceptance with in your community
has been awesome.
But wait your leaving money on the table by not sharing your talents around
even further. What about turning that Video into
4 x 15 to 30 seconds snippets suitable for Instagram/ Twitter/Linkedin/Pinterest
1 x 1 Minute highlighted segment ready for FaceBook posting or ad campaign
1 x amazing Blog post ready to put up to your website all in your own words
1 x Completly edited Podcast in your own words so your Tribe can hear on the run
4 x MEME's that relate to your video content that will arouse interest
All of this can be done in one place without you having to lift a finger ( I tell a lie)
You'll have to lift 2 fingers
Second You'll have to send us the YouTube link
But First You need to Hit the Green Button to get started