Convert you Blog post to Powerful Traffic Driving Video Blogs Easily
Have you ever heard this: Pictures are worth a Thousand words,
You’re told: Content is King. Keep your Blogs posts short. Don’t use CAPITALS,
Yes of Course you’re doing all of this! Yet…………
But there’s more - Still Not Getting the Responses You Need
You’ve tried everything and the interaction and response is Nil.
You’re wondering: why you waste your time on Blogging every week/ month.
Hours and hours of scrolling looking for the right response and you're getting nowhere.
Let alone any leads: Nothing Zilch!!!
Hey it’s Not Your Fault
Trust me: I know because since 2011 I’ve been feeling like the
Proverbial Social Media Addict - facing the same ole same ole problems as you.
Why the hell is everyone raving about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and the like? TikTok and what's that all about?
Hearing how the Likes are rising, the Shares and Comments are going through the roof.
I hated hearing people raving about their successes. I felt like I was wasting my time. What am I doing wrong when posting my blog content?
Something Had To Change
So I decided to do the research, study as much as I could and pick up on what’s actually happening out there in Blogging land.
I found that it was unanimous, those with big success stories were ……….
I Found the Secret - The Holy Grail
In the majority cases of success stories, they were using Video of some description in their Posts and Websites. In come Vlogging this is a video description of the content of your Article or blog.
The videos that kept interest were most, were personalised humorous stories about company and products.
I started to apply these to my own and other clients company posts and websites.
The results were amazing.
We were getting 10 times more views and comments on posts than those without.
I Was So Surprised I Couldn’t Believe It
Here is what some of them had to say……
Here’s your chance to help me fill in the blanks.
Buy my Service & there are special offers for those that give good honest up to date reviews
Now You Know What You Have To Do
Increase the chances of more leads 10X by using Vlogging alongside of your monthly Blogs
Get in on our introductory pricing here on Legiit while you can.
For A limited Time Only
You will receive high quality, mesmerizing, engaging and exciting video interpretation of your Monthly Blog, delivered on Social Media or to
Your Website at our Ridiculously Low Introductory Offer.
What Will You Get?
Standard Package:
We'll add Stock video with Text
Script to be provided by your Blog No limit on words we will trim toy suit your situation.
You can be assured that all work is handled by 30years + experienced videographer with Web/Internet presence the primary focus.
We Care about you and your prospective clients
Hurry and get in Quick
This ridiculous offer and service can’t hang around at these prices for long...
I am a full time animator/video maker and copy writer. Your focus should be on someone that is committed to making high quality videos as per your requirements.
I’ve been selling these types of packages for much higher pricing over the years, although with our current situation and the Corona Virus things needed to change. Change for both of us, if You Stop Advertising it’ll be harder to beat your competition when this is all over
Stop Advertising to Save Money is like Stopping your Watch to Save Time – Henry Ford